
Estate & Tax Planning: Surviving Retirement – Excelsior Springs Community Center

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Join us to learn:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of Wills and Living Trusts.
  • How Powers of Attorney work and don’t work (some may not be valid if you are disabled or pass away).
  • Longevity: Solutions if you live too long, die too soon, or become ill.
  • The New Normal: A review of where things could go from here and the key indicators to look toward.
  • Strategies to help you remove taxes from retirement and permanently remove the IRS as a beneficiary of your estate.
  • Hidden gems in the new tax code.
  • How much risk do you want in your Retirement Portfolio? How much risk do you actually have? NOW is the best time to reevaluate your retirement plans.

Register For This Class

Estate & Tax Planning: Surviving Retirement on Saturday, November 16th at 10:30am at the Excelsior Springs Community Center in the Community Room.

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