Social Security Strategies – WSU West

WSU West - Room 109 3801 N Walker Ave, Maize, KS, United States

Join us to learn about: Changes to Social Security filing strategies How married couples can help enhance their combined monthly and lifetime benefits How the “do over” and “start, stop, restart” strategies work How to claim retroactive benefits as a lump sum The effect of remarriage on survivor benefits for widowed and divorced spouses Five […]

Medicare Made Simple – Butler Community College (Andover Campus)

Butler Community College - Grizzly Den 715 E 13th St, Andover, KS, United States

Join Market Advisory Group and Market Medicare Advisors for a Medicare class to learn: What options you can have to optimize your Medicare coverage (in coordination with your spouse if applicable) Find out the difference between Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage and Supplement Plans (which one is right for you?) Medicare Basics – Parts A, B, […]

Taxes in Retirement – Fox Hall

Fox Hall 201 S Broadway St, Louisburg, KS, United States

Join Market Advisory Group for a Taxes in Retirement class near you to learn: Ways taxes can increase in retirement Why taxes are the biggest retirement threat you haven’t addressed How to design your retirement to be “tax-conscious” Tried and true strategies to protect your retirement from tax and legislative risk How the budget debate in Washington could negatively affect your retirement […]

Rising Costs of Long-Term Care – Butler Community College (Andover Campus)

Butler Community College - Grizzly Den 715 E 13th St, Andover, KS, United States

Join us to learn: Little known strategy to cover LTC costs without expensive (and possibly) wasted insurance premiums! How to use “other people’s money” to pay for LTC expenses Review of LTC benefits from Medicare – The good, the bad and the (REALLY!) ugly! Critical steps to transfer the risks – even if you’re wealthy! […]

Maximize Social Security, Minimize Taxes – Fox Hall

Fox Hall 201 S Broadway St, Louisburg, KS, United States

Join Market Advisory Group for a social security and tax class to learn: What social security and tax strategies are still available to me? When should I start receiving my social security benefits? How will this decision affect my spousal social security benefits? Survivor benefits for widowed and divorced spouses? Single, married, divorced or widowed, learn ways […]

Medicare Made Simple – WSU West

WSU West - Room 109 3801 N Walker Ave, Maize, KS, United States

Join Market Advisory Group and Market Medicare Advisors for a Medicare class to learn: What options you can have to optimize your Medicare coverage (in coordination with your spouse if applicable) Find out the difference between Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage and Supplement Plans (which one is right for you?) Medicare Basics – Parts A, B, […]

Taxes in Retirement – Harris Park Community Center

Harris Park Community Center - AB Rooms 110 SW Blue Parkway, Lee's Summit, MO, United States

Join Market Advisory Group for a Taxes in Retirement class near you to learn: Ways taxes can increase in retirement Why taxes are the biggest retirement threat you haven’t addressed How to design your retirement to be “tax-conscious” Tried and true strategies to protect your retirement from tax and legislative risk How the budget debate in Washington could negatively affect your retirement […]

Avoid the Top Estate Planning Mistakes – KU Edwards

KU Edwards Campus - BEST 135 12600 Quivira Rd, Overland Park, KS, United States

Join us to learn: How to prepare for Long Term Care (without a traditional & expensive LTC policy!) How to avoid probate, long delays, and fees all with a simple plan How to protected your hard earned assets from rising long term care costs How to massively reduce income taxes for your beneficiaries with a […]

Taxes in Retirement – Waldo Library

Waldo Library - Room A 201 E 75th St, Kansas City, MO, United States

Join Market Advisory Group for a Taxes in Retirement class near you to learn: Ways taxes can increase in retirement Why taxes are the biggest retirement threat you haven’t addressed How to design your retirement to be “tax-conscious” Tried and true strategies to protect your retirement from tax and legislative risk How the budget debate in Washington could negatively affect your retirement […]

Medicare Made Simple – Waldo Library

Waldo Library - Room A 201 E 75th St, Kansas City, MO, United States

Join Market Advisory Group for a Medicare class to learn: What options you can have to optimize your Medicare coverage (in coordination with your spouse if applicable) Find out the difference between Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage and Supplement Plans (which one is right for you?) Medicare Basics – Parts A, B, C, & D

Estate & Tax Planning: Surviving Retirement – Metropolitan Community College Maple Woods

Metropolitan Community College Maple Woods - Campus Center 103 2601 NE Barry Rd, Kansas City, MO, United States

Join us to learn: The advantages and disadvantages of Wills and Living Trusts. How Powers of Attorney work and don’t work (some may not be valid if you are disabled or pass away). Longevity: Solutions if you live too long, die too soon, or become ill. The New Normal: A review of where things could […]

Social Security Strategies – Metropolitan Community College Longview

Metropolitan Community College Longview - Business Center BU-107 500 SW Longview Rd, Lee's Summit, MO, United States

Join Market Advisory Group for a social security class to learn about: Changes to Social Security filing strategies How married couples can help enhance their combined monthly and lifetime benefits How the “do over” and “start, stop, restart” strategies work How to claim retroactive benefits as a lump sum The effect of remarriage on survivor […]